A step beyond Harmony.
The place where we bring your body not just to stop screaming for help, but to be at rest.
The place where we address the alarms and imminent fires, but also those that hide behind this shrill noise. Fires that may not yet have an alarm or they have gone out to protect us from ourselves (coping).
It is a major step towards prevention, but it is also the abandonment of resistance in a new life choice.
We decode and slowly discover what is direct access in this information that is unique to you for a resolution now.
It is a communion with your body. To regain confidence in your body.
There is no pre-established protocol, because it is to discover the power and the message of your unique body.
It is the connection to the new you.
You will understand the collaboration you have with your body and you will no longer be in confrontation with your emotional, energetic and physical system.
Your body works for you, even if it may not seem that way. You simply have to decode its need.
It is the new look at yourself, at what you are experiencing and have created your new wiring, your new neural pathways and your new energy flow.
Do you want to take a journey of exploration, discovery AND resolution, all in gentleness?
Choose this process of pacification and 360 vision, but also of enlightenment and release.
This growing Inner Peace gives more fluidity and less and less resistance, so your body does not need to be alarmed as before.
You become in charge of its mechanics, you are no longer a victim of fires, because you will see coming and prevent physical and emotional upheavals. Find your power, not in domination, but in collaboration.
INNER-PEACE, a process, a journey to the heart of you that we will do together and we will follow the golden thread in the labyrinth for direct access to the priorities of each moment.
A few key points:
It is a deep and multidimensional journey.
We feel a physical pacification and emotional understanding for a calming of the various upheavals.
Find complicity with your body, your ally since always.
No matter the subject, we are not in the confrontation (do not twist the knife in the wound).
The objective of this service is to decode the priority AND put it in order for a resolution of what is ready to be released at the moment, but also to calm, pacify and prevent things that are priority and possible.
The results can naturally vary according to your life history, emotional and physical.
As well as the key points found in Harmony
INNER-PEACE is 6 meetings to allow us to put ourselves in "available" mode and do the necessary and priority multidimensional work.
You come to see me for the INNER-PEACE service when you know or suspect that there is more hidden behind the symptoms and that consciously or unconsciously you decide to do a deep cleaning. That you want to turn off the alarm and the fire, but also understand "why" and have this feeling of regaining power over yourself and your fate. There is a pattern that seems to repeat itself in your family and you want to break the chain.
INNER-PEACE is the beginning of you 2.0!